Obstetrics & gynaecology

Is egg freezing an empowering option for women?

Katie Hammond, a PhD candidate in the Department of Sociology researching the experience of egg donation in Canada, discusses the recent decision by tech giants Facebook and Apple to offer egg freezing to female employees, ...

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

New dementia app brings together siblings, crosses disciplines

McMaster graduates Alexis Liddell and Chris Benoit don't have a lot in common. She is a Humanities/Social Sciences graduate working in the long-term care field; he received his degree in Software Engineering and is working ...


Fruit juice – just another sugary drink?

(Medical Xpress)—Drinking fruit juice is potentially just as bad for you as drinking sugar-sweetened drinks because of its high sugar content, two medical researchers from the University of Glasgow have warned.


Study adds lung damage to harmful effects of arsenic

A new study confirms that exposure to low to moderate amounts of arsenic in drinking water can impair lung function. Doses of about 120 parts per billion of arsenic in well water—about 12 times the dose generally considered ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Tidy desk or messy desk? Each has its benefits

Working at a clean and prim desk may promote healthy eating, generosity, and conventionality, according to new research. But, the research also shows that a messy desk may confer its own benefits, promoting creative thinking ...


A glass of milk after eating sugary cereals may prevent cavities

Washing down sugary breakfast cereal with milk after eating reduces plaque acid levels and may prevent damage to tooth enamel that leads to cavities, according to new research at the University of Illinois at Chicago College ...

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