
Can an Apple Watch tell if you had a heart attack?

An electrocardiogram (ECG) generated by the Apple Watch series 4 or 5 could potentially be used to diagnose a heart attack when a specific method of obtaining the ECG is used and the results are reviewed by a specialist. ...


CDC: number of vaping-linked lung illnesses up to 2,172

The number of Americans stricken with a severe respiratory illness tied to vaping has now reached 2,172, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported Thursday. That is a rise from the 2,051 case total from ...


Non-GM produce earns 'halo effect' under new labeling laws

Consumers were more willing to buy unlabeled produce after being shown food tagged as "genetically modified" in a new Cornell University study that comes two months before a new federal law, requiring genetically modified ...


Quinn on Nutrition: An apple a day

Does an apple a day really keep the doctor away? I hope so, because my trees are groaning with hundreds of these beauties this year.

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