Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Rural patients with Alzheimer disease have shorter survival

(HealthDay)—Rural Medicare beneficiaries with Alzheimer disease and related dementia (ADRD) spend more time in nursing homes, receive less home health care, and have shorter survival than their urban counterparts, according ...


Very rural elders receive fewest services

Older adults living in very rural settings are less likely than those living closer to urban centers to receive available services in health, nutrition and transportation, according to a new study by a Washington State University ...


Telehealth bridges and highlights rural health disparities

The COVID-19 pandemic prompted health care systems to expand their use of virtual medical visits, yet access to care remains out of reach for many rural residents due to a lack of broadband internet access.


'Hidden' data exacerbates rural public health inequities

Differences in the health of rural residents compared to their urban neighbors are startling. In Washington, for instance, rural residents are one-third more likely to die from intentional self-harm or 13 percent more likely ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Trees an oasis of mental well-being

(HealthDay)—City dwellers who live on tree-lined streets might be happier and healthier for it, a large new study suggests.

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