
How the brain handles the complexity of chewing

You bite into an apple, you chew, the flavors flood your mouth, you swallow, and then you do it all over again. Eating is so effortless that you can do it while chatting, reading, watching TV, walking, working…

Medical economics

Urban heat islands have a health cost, reveals study

A new study led by EPFL has produced the first cost estimate of the impact that urban heat islands have on human health. The study looked at 85 European cities over the course of three full years, meaning it also took into ...

Overweight & Obesity

Racial disparities in obesity widen in rural areas across country

Racial disparities in health and health care throughout the lifespan are pervasive and well-documented, and culminate in a life expectancy for Black people that is about four years shorter than for white people. One major ...

Medical economics

Rural hospitals are caught in an aging-infrastructure conundrum

Kevin Stansbury, the CEO of Lincoln Community Hospital in the 800-person town of Hugo, Colorado, is facing a classic Catch-22: He could boost his rural hospital's revenues by offering hip replacements and shoulder surgeries, ...

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