
Supreme Court misunderstanding on health overhaul?

(AP) -- A possible misunderstanding about President Barack Obama's health care overhaul could cloud Supreme Court deliberations on its fate, leaving the impression that the law's insurance requirement is more onerous than ...


Final day of Supreme Court health law hearings

The US Supreme Court heard oral arguments Wednesday on whether President Barack Obama's landmark health care law should be struck down if its key requirement that all Americans buy insurance is declared unconstitutional.


Top US court gets to heart of health reform debate

The US Supreme Court Tuesday took up the most contentious part of President Barack Obama's landmark health care reform, hearing arguments on whether it is constitutional to require Americans to buy insurance coverage.


Supreme Court takes up heart of Obama health law

The Supreme Court dives into the heart of President Barack Obama's signature health care reform law Tuesday, taking up its most divisive requirement -- that Americans maintain insurance or be fined.


Supreme Court set for key health overhaul hearing

Amid anticipation akin to a major sports event, the US Supreme Court begins hearing arguments Monday on President Barack Obama's landmark health reform, a case with huge implications for the nation and 2012 elections.


Public camps at US high court for health hearing

A dozen people camped out in front of the US Supreme Court overnight into Saturday to make sure they would get a first glimpse of a historic hearing into the president's health reform law next week.

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