
A different drummer: Neural rhythms drive physical movement

Unlike their visual cousins, the neurons that control movement are not a predictable bunch. Scientists working to decode how such neurons convey information to muscles have been stymied when trying to establish a one-to-one ...

Sports medicine & Kinesiology

Tone up your triceps with these top strength exercises

(HealthDay)—Working your triceps might not always be top of mind, but toning the muscles that run along the backs of your upper arms is key to the smooth functioning of your elbows and to also give bare arms a sleeker look.

Sports medicine & Kinesiology

Exercising one arm has twice the benefits

New research from Edith Cowan University (ECU) has revealed that training one arm can improve strength and decrease muscle loss in the other arm—without even moving it.


Learning motor skills requires the 'feeling' part of the brain

Contrary to previous research, a new study by Neeraj Kumar and David Ostry at McGill University shows that somatosensory cortex is involved in retaining new motor skills. Published in the open-access journal PLOS Biology ...


New microsurgery robot is five times as precise as a human hand

A very steady hand and a lot of concentration: carrying out highly precise operations – for example to repair blood vessels or nerve fibers – places such high demands on surgeons that few are able to do it successfully. ...


Long arm cast best for immobilizing forearm

(HealthDay) -- Use of a long arm cast provides the best restriction of forearm rotation, according to a study published in the March 7 issue of The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery.


New prosthetic invention lets users reclaim their sense of touch

Two years ago, Melissa Loomis, age 43, was in her house in Ohio when she heard her two dogs barking and scuffling outside. She discovered her pets in a tussle with a raccoon and ran to intercede. The wild animal bit her right ...

Sports medicine & Kinesiology

Doctor explains why—and how—runners should warm up

Many runners know that they should stretch, but that doesn't mean they do. And even if they take the time to loosen up their muscles, they may not be doing the right stretches—or performing them properly.

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