
Calcified plaque raises heart disease risk for young adults

A major report led by Vanderbilt investigators found that the mere presence of even a small amount of calcified coronary plaque, more commonly referred to as coronary artery calcium (CAC), in people under age 50—even small ...


High consumption of fish oil may benefit cardiovascular health

Eating fish in amounts comparable to those of people living in Japan seems to impart a protective factor that wards off heart disease, according to an international study funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) ...


Hormonal status impacts genetic variation, CIMT link

(HealthDay)—Hormonal status seems to interact with genetic variants to influence cardiovascular phenotypes, especially those within the innate immunity pathway related to carotid artery intima-medial thickness (CIMT), according ...


Visceral fat key marker for cardiometabolic risk

(HealthDay)—Visceral fat is associated with cardiometabolic risk, including metabolic syndrome, regardless of body mass index (BMI), according to a study published online Nov. 5 in JACC: Cardiovascular Imaging.


Could mammograms screen for heart disease?

By screening for breast cancer, mammography has helped save hundreds of thousands of lives. Using the test to also screen for heart disease might someday help save many thousands more.


Mammograms: Another way to screen for heart disease?

Routine mammography—widely recommended for breast cancer screening—may also be a useful tool to identify women at risk for heart disease, potentially allowing for earlier intervention, according to a study scheduled for ...

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