
AI tool predicts reduced blood flow to the heart

Cedars-Sinai investigators and colleagues have developed an artificial intelligence (AI) tool that uses computed tomography (CT) scans to identify patients at risk of reduced blood flow to the heart. The tool is able to accurately ...


Insights into the dynamic ultrastructure of the heart

What happens below the cellular level when the heart contracts and relaxes has long been unexplored. Thanks to new ultra-high-resolution electron microscopy techniques, scientists can now watch the heart beating at almost ...


Explaining the link between diabetes, heart disease

The number of people worldwide with diabetes is rising and with diabetes comes a higher risk for heart disease. Gosia Wamil, M.D., Ph.D., a cardiologist at Mayo Clinic Healthcare in London, explains the connection between ...


Pumped to assist the heart with an artificial aorta

Scientists from EPFL and University of Bern have successfully implanted—in vivo—their first artificial tubular muscle that augments the aorta and assists cardiac function in pumping blood. Based on these results, the ...


Artificial aorta can reduce patients' blood pressure

Engineers at EPFL's Center for Artificial Muscles have developed a silicone aorta that can reduce how hard patients' hearts have to pump. Their breakthrough could offer a promising alternative to heart transplants.


AI helps predict heart attacks and stroke

Artificial intelligence has been used for the first time to instantly and accurately measure blood flow, in a study led by UCL and Barts Health NHS Trust.

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