Inflammatory disorders

Protective association identified for asthma against sepsis

(HealthDay)—For patients with infections, those with asthma have reduced risk of sepsis, according to a letter to the editor published online May 22 in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine.


How to tell a cold from an allergy in winter

If your "common cold" has been hanging around for more than a week, it may not be a cold at all. It might actually be an allergy disguised as a cold.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Steroids not effective for chest infections in non-asthmatic adults

Oral steroids should not be used for treating acute lower respiratory tract infection (or 'chest infections') in adults who don't have asthma or other chronic lung disease, as they do not reduce the duration or severity of ...


Many parents know too little about their child's asthma meds

(HealthDay)—Only half of parents of children with asthma fully understand the use of their child's asthma medications, according to research published online May 17 in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology.


Efforts to transform healthcare led to better asthma outcomes

Over the past decade, how patients receive their care in clinics has been transforming, from traditional primary care to patient-centered medical homes. These "homes" focus on team-based, coordinated, and whole-person care ...


What are the best ways to diagnose and manage asthma?

What are the best ways to diagnose and manage asthma in adults? This can be tricky because asthma can stem from several causes and treatment often depends on what is triggering the asthma.


Perceived stress linked to asthma, atopic disorders

(HealthDay)—Perceived stress correlates with an increased risk of adult-onset asthma, allergic rhinitis, and atopic dermatitis as well as asthma medication use, according to a study published online Sept. 3 in Allergy.

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