Medical research

Astrocytes derived from patients with bipolar disorder malfunction

Brain cells called astrocytes derived from the induced pluripotent stem cells of patients with bipolar disorder offer suboptimal support for neuronal activity. In a paper appearing March 4th in the journal Stem Cell Reports, ...


Acute breakdown of the glial network in epilepsy

Tohoku University scientists and their colleagues in Germany have revealed that a first-time exposure to only a brief period of brain hyperactivity resulted in an acute breakdown of the inter-cellular network of glial cells. ...

Medical research

Biologists suggest a new substance to suppress neuroinflammation

Biologists from RUDN University confirmed that a well-known spasmolytic drug called hymecromone can suppress the inflammatory response in astrocytes, important glial cells of the central nervous system. Potentially, it could ...


Star-shaped brain cells may be linked to stuttering

Astrocytes—star-shaped cells in the brain that are actively involved in brain function—may play an important role in stuttering, a study led by a University of California, Riverside, expert on stuttering has found.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Study links brain cells to depression

A new study further highlighting a potential physiological cause of clinical depression could guide future treatment options for this serious mental health disorder. Published in Frontiers in Psychiatry, researchers show ...

Medical research

Epilepsy research focused on astrocytes

During epileptic seizures, a large number of nerve cells in the brain fire excessively and in synchrony. This hyperactivity may lead to uncontrolled shaking of the body and involve periods of loss of consciousness. While ...


Astrocytes eat connections to maintain plasticity in adult brains

Developing brains constantly sprout new neuronal connections called synapses as they learn and remember. Important connections—the ones that are repeatedly introduced, such as how to avoid danger—are nurtured and reinforced, ...

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