Medical research

The key role of astrocytes in cognitive development

Astrocytes have long been considered as mere support cells for neurons. In recent years, the study of astrocytes has grown, gradually revealing their importance in brain function. Researchers from Inserm, CNRS and Collège ...


Researchers find the adhesions that build the brain's networks

The brain's neurons tend to get most of the scientific attention, but a set of cells around them called astrocytes—literally, star-shaped cells—are increasingly being viewed as crucial players in guiding a brain to become ...


Obesity and hypertension: Researchers discover novel mechanisms

Hypertension is a widespread comorbidity of patients with obesity that greatly increases the risk of mortality and disability. In recent years, researchers have found that a high-calorie diet increases the density of blood ...


Cell reprogramming could aid spinal cord injury recovery

Cells called astrocytes normally support our neurons, and now scientists are working to reprogram the star-shaped cells into neurons that help reconnect the brain and body after a spinal cord injury.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Study illuminates how COVID-19 worms its way into the brain

New research offers an up-close view of how SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, can spread to the brain. The study helps explain the alarming array of neurological symptoms reported in some patients with COVID-19, ...


Controlled scar formation in the brain

When the brain suffers injury or infection, glial cells surrounding the affected site act to preserve the brain's sensitive nerve cells and prevent excessive damage. A team of researchers from Charité - Universitätsmedizin ...


Healthy sleep may rely on long-overlooked brain cells

For something we spend one-third of our lives doing, we still understand remarkably little about how sleep works—for example, why can some people sleep deeply through any disturbance, while others regularly toss and turn ...

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