
Scientists capture diversity in the 'stars' of our nervous system

Scientists at the Francis Crick Institute have found that the location of astrocytes in the brain and spinal cord, may affect their role in maintaining the body's nervous system. This discovery could help scientists uncover ...


Scientists discover key regulator of neuron function and survival

Scientists studying neuronal energy metabolism found evidence that the loss of an important energy regulator called AMPK in neural stem cells or glial cells called astrocytes causes neuronal death in laboratory rodents. They ...


Brain protein linked to seizures, abnormal social behaviors

A team led by a biomedical scientist at the University of California, Riverside has found a new mechanism responsible for the abnormal development of neuronal connections in the mouse brain that leads to seizures and abnormal ...


Genetic malfunction of brain astrocytes triggers migraine

Neuroscientists of the University of Zurich shed a new light on the mechanisms responsible for familial migraine: They show that a genetic dysfunction in specific brain cells of the cingulate cortex area strongly influences ...


Star-shaped brain cells may play a critical role in glaucoma

After a brain injury, cells that normally nourish nerves may actually kill them instead, a new study in rodents finds. This "reactive" phenomenon may be the driving factor behind neurodegenerative diseases like glaucoma, ...


Adult astrocytes are key to learning and memory

Researchers at Baylor College of Medicine reveal that astrocytes, the most abundant cells in the brain, play a direct role in the regulation of neuronal circuits involved in learning and memory. The findings appear in the ...


Research shows how stress remodels the brain

Research led by Si-Qiong June Liu, MD, Ph.D., Professor of Cell Biology and Anatomy at LSU Health New Orleans School of Medicine, has shown how stress changes the structure of the brain and reveals a potential therapeutic ...

Oncology & Cancer

Scientists reveal brain tumors impact normally helpful cells

When the brain gets injured, star-shaped brain cells called astrocytes come to the rescue. In the case of glioma—the most common type of primary brain tumor—this protective action comes at a price.

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