Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Neuron-nourishing cells appear to retaliate in Alzheimer's

When brain cells start oozing too much of the amyloid protein that is the hallmark of Alzheimer's disease, the astrocytes that normally nourish and protect them deliver a suicide package instead, researchers report.

Medical research

Using bone marrow to protect the brain

The ability to produce neuroprotectors, proteins that protect the human brain against neurodegenerative disorders such as Parkinson's and ALS, is the holy grail of brain research. A technology developed at Tel Aviv University ...


Scientists explore how high blood pressure hurts cognition

The squeeze high blood pressure puts on fragile blood vessels in the brain appears to disrupt a normal, protective process that balances the blood flowing to our brains with the activity of our resting neurons.


Emerging roles of glial cells in neuroscience

When we think of the brain, we often think of the amazing things it is capable of—from conjuring up wild dreams to mastering foreign languages. At the same time, we may also think of devastating neurological diseases like ...

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