Sports medicine & Kinesiology

Does it matter what position you play when it comes to CTE?

A position played in collision sports like football and hockey may not raise an athlete's risk for developing brain disease later. Researchers found no link between the position played by football and hockey players, nor ...


Clues for improving sleep in visually impaired athletes

Sleep is very important for athletes, and sleep loss can affect physical performance and cognitive ability. But now, researchers from the University of Tsukuba have identified the prevalence of sleep disorders in visually ...


Are ACL tears really more common in women?

It may be hard to remember a time when it was uncommon for girls and women to play competitive sports, but it's not exactly ancient history. The 1972 passage of Title IX, which mandated equal access for women to participate ...


New challenges for ex-Olympians

When elite-level athletes retire, they often struggle to adapt to their new lives. When finding that the characteristics that were valuable in sport are not equally useful in 'ordinary' life, they often start experiencing ...

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