Psychology & Psychiatry

The harms of harsh discipline are softened by a loving mother

The use of harsh discipline of unwanted behaviour in children has long been controversial. Whether verbal (insults, disparaging remarks, threats) or physical (slapping/spanking), harsh discipline at all stages of childhood ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Attachment style secures your love during lockdowns

Relationships are crucial for our health and well-being. But which factors help to sustain a satisfying relationship, and can we predict which relationships make it through a crisis? An international team led by Stephanie ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

For anxious spouses, a baby may be a rival

A new child can spark feelings of jealousy in a person who already fears being abandoned by his or her partner, research suggests.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Can parents give their children too much attention?

Parents today spend more time with their children than ever before. Yet, at the same time, they worry more than previous generations about doing enough—believing a lack of engagement may harm their child's future success ...


Report advocates for adoptive parent leave

A new report calling for paid "attachment leave" for newly adopting Canadian families is reaching the ears of policy-makers in Ottawa, where advocates hope their call find its way into federal party platforms.

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