Attention deficit disorders

ADHD study flags pre-natal use of antidepressants

Children born to women who took antidepressants during pregnancy are statistically likelier to develop the mental disorder called ADHD, researchers said on Tuesday.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Can you be addicted to the internet?

A McMaster researcher is trying to understand how much time people spend online – and whether their habits pose a danger to their physical or mental health.


Brain scientist continues exploring the brain

A Montana State University assistant professor in neuroscience is part of a team that has made progress understanding how the brain processes visual information. In addition to adding to the basic understanding of brain function, ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Video games can be beneficial for post-work recovery

Videogames have a had a particularly bad rap lately, not least after a UK coroner suggested a link between Call of Duty and teenage suicide. But recent evidence suggests that gaming can be good for us and, in particular, ...


Seeking the causes of hyperactivity

The 60 trillion cells that comprise our bodies communicate constantly. Information travels when chemical compounds released by some cells are received by receptors in the membrane of another cell. In a paper published in ...

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