
US judge overturns state's abortion law (Update)

A federal judge on Wednesday overturned a North Dakota law banning abortions when a fetal heartbeat can be detected, as early as six weeks into pregnancy and before many women know they're pregnant.


Drug firms argue against $1.2B Arkansas judgment

(AP)—A lawyer for two drug companies told the Arkansas Supreme Court that the state improperly relied on federal regulations in a lawsuit that resulted in a $1.2 billion award over the companies' marketing of an antipsychotics ...


40 AGs urge tight regulation of e-cigarettes

Forty attorneys general are urging the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to meet its own deadline and regulate electronic cigarettes in the same way it regulates tobacco products.


Lawyers file most isotretinoin adverse drug reports

(HealthDay)—Attorneys have submitted a disproportionate number of isotretinoin-associated inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) cases to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, according to a study published in the September ...


US hospitals send hundreds of immigrants back home (Update)

Days after they were badly hurt in a car accident, Jacinto Cruz and Jose Rodriguez-Saldana lay unconscious in an Iowa hospital while the American health care system weighed what to do with the two immigrants from Mexico.

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