
Our brain prefers positive vocal sounds that come from our left

Sounds that we hear around us are defined physically by their frequency and amplitude. But for us, sounds have a meaning beyond those parameters: we may perceive them as pleasant or unpleasant, ominous or reassuring, and ...


To identify a voice, brains rely on sight

To recognize a famous voice, human brains use the same center that lights up when the speaker's face is presented, finds a neuroscience study where participants were asked to identify U.S. presidents.


Our brains 'time-stamp' sounds to process the words we hear

Our brains "time-stamp" the order of incoming sounds, allowing us to correctly process the words that we hear, shows a new study by a team of psychology and linguistics researchers. Its findings, which appear in the journal ...


Mapping the path from smell to perception

Our sense of smell has a powerful effect on our behavior and emotions. Aromas can evoke vivid memories of the past or warn us of a smoldering fire. Yet to neuroscientists, smell remains the most mysterious of our five senses.

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