
Hearing through sight

Cochlear implants allow adults who have become profoundly deaf to recover the ability to understand speech. However, recovery differs between individuals. Activating the visual regions of the brain has proved essential to ...


Feedback loops and localization errors

Neurobiologists at Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich describe a feedback loop that modulates the processing of auditory signals in the brainstem in a frequency-dependent manner, and can lead to systematic errors in the ...


Bill Gates, five scientists win Lasker medical prizes

Two scientists who illuminated how brain cells communicate, three researchers who developed implants that let deaf people hear and philanthropists Bill and Melinda Gates have won prestigious Lasker Awards for medical research ...


How the brain forms categories

Neurobiologists at the Research Institute of Molecular Pathology (IMP) in Vienna investigated how the brain is able to group external stimuli into stable categories. They found the answer in the discrete dynamics of neuronal ...

Medical research

New findings on the workings of the inner ear

The sensory cells of the inner ear have tiny hairs called stereocilia that play a critical part in hearing. It has long been known that these stereocilia move sideways back and forth in a wave-like motion when stimulated ...

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