Psychology & Psychiatry

Lasting autistic traits in women with anorexia

Women with anorexia display clear autistic traits, even once the eating disorder is under control and they have achieved a normal weight, according to research from Sahlgrenska Academy. The similarities between anorexia and ...

Autism spectrum disorders

The gaze that hinders expression

Empathy - the ability to identify and understand other people's emotions - has many components, some sophisticated and involving complex thought processes, others basic but essential nonetheless. The latter include joint ...

Autism spectrum disorders

Testosterone levels linked to higher autistic traits

Local researchers say foetus' exposure to high levels of testosterone in utero might explain increased autistic-like traits, according to Baron-Cohen's Extreme Male Brain theory (EMB).

Autism spectrum disorders

Heritability of autism spectrum disorder studied in UK twins

Substantial genetic and moderate environmental influences were associated with risk of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and broader autism traits in a study of twins in the United Kingdom, according to an article published ...

Autism spectrum disorders

Parents of children with autism often have autistic traits

(Medical Xpress)—Studying children with autism and their parents, researchers have found that when a child has autism, his or her parents are more likely to have autistic traits than parents who don't have a child with ...

Autism spectrum disorders

People with autistic tendencies vulnerable to alcohol problems

(Medical Xpress)—Young adults with autistic tendencies don't often engage in social or binge drinking, but if they drink, they are slightly more likely than their peers to develop alcohol problems, according to new research ...

Autism spectrum disorders

Girls with anorexia have elevated autistic traits

(Medical Xpress)—Girls with anorexia nervosa show a mild echo of the characteristics of autism, suggests new research in the journal Molecular Autism.


Autism speaks through gene expression

Autism spectrum disorders affect nearly 1 in 88 children, with symptoms ranging from mild personality traits to severe intellectual disability and seizures. Understanding the altered genetic pathways is critical for diagnosis ...

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