Autism spectrum disorders

Is autism hiding in a fold of the brain?

Scientists at CNRS, Aix-Marseille Université and AP-HM have identified a cerebral marker specific to autism that can be detected by MRI and is present as from the age of two years. The abnormality thus detected consists ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Children with autism face higher risk of eating disorders

Previous research has found that autism and eating disorders can occur together, as 20-30% of adults with eating disorders have autism, and 3-10% of children and young people with eating disorders.

Attention deficit disorders

New ADHD findings

A combination of rare and common genetic variations could play a part in biological pathways linked to Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

Autism spectrum disorders

Is autism a disorder, an identity or both?

Definitions of autism often evoke the language of disease or abnormality. This medicalized approach fails to represent the full diversity of views within the autism community, say U. of I. speech and hearing science professor ...


Study shows autistic brains create more information at rest

New research from Case Western Reserve University and University of Toronto neuroscientists finds that the brains of autistic children generate more information at rest – a 42% increase on average. The study offers a scientific ...

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