Autism spectrum disorders

Is autism hiding in a fold of the brain?

Scientists at CNRS, Aix-Marseille Université and AP-HM have identified a cerebral marker specific to autism that can be detected by MRI and is present as from the age of two years. The abnormality thus detected consists ...

Autism spectrum disorders

In lab research, scientists limit autistic behavior

In a study published this week in ACS Chemical Neuroscience, Saint Louis University researchers report that treating mice with a compound, SR1078, reduces autistic behavior. The drug, developed by Thomas Burris, Ph.D., chair ...

Autism spectrum disorders

Transforming behavioral therapy with technology

From iPods to cell phone networks, power generation to GPS systems, electrical and computer engineers are producing the technologies we depend on every day. But one electrical engineer, a second-year doctoral student at the ...

Autism spectrum disorders

Scientists trace autism 'pathway' from gene to brain

There is much that scientists don't know about autism. They don't know, for example, why the complicated, vexing disorder has become more common. In 2000, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimated that about ...

Autism spectrum disorders

A new look at language delay in children with autism

A new study by a linguistics professor and an alumnus from The University of Texas at Austin sheds light on a well-known linguistic characteristic of autistic children—their reluctance to use pronouns—paving the way for ...

Autism spectrum disorders

Overhaul of our understanding of why autism potentially occurs

An analysis of autism research covering genetics, brain imaging, and cognition led by Laurent Mottron of the University of Montreal has overhauled our understanding of why autism potentially occurs, develops and results in ...

Autism spectrum disorders

Parents of children with autism often have autistic traits

(Medical Xpress)—Studying children with autism and their parents, researchers have found that when a child has autism, his or her parents are more likely to have autistic traits than parents who don't have a child with ...

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