Autism spectrum disorders

Understanding social impairments in autism

Scientists at the Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry in Munich together with colleagues in Cologne and Zürich have used mathematical models to explain differences in social behaviour associated with autistic personality ...

Autism spectrum disorders

In lab research, scientists limit autistic behavior

In a study published this week in ACS Chemical Neuroscience, Saint Louis University researchers report that treating mice with a compound, SR1078, reduces autistic behavior. The drug, developed by Thomas Burris, Ph.D., chair ...

Autism spectrum disorders

Testosterone levels linked to higher autistic traits

Local researchers say foetus' exposure to high levels of testosterone in utero might explain increased autistic-like traits, according to Baron-Cohen's Extreme Male Brain theory (EMB).

Autism spectrum disorders

Transforming behavioral therapy with technology

From iPods to cell phone networks, power generation to GPS systems, electrical and computer engineers are producing the technologies we depend on every day. But one electrical engineer, a second-year doctoral student at the ...

Autism spectrum disorders

Can autism be measured in a sniff?

Imagine the way you might smell a rose. You'd take a nice big sniff to breathe in the sweet but subtle floral scent. Upon walking into a public restroom, you'd likely do just the opposite—abruptly limiting the flow of air ...

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