
A new approach to study autoimmune diseases

A team of researchers led by the Indiana Biosciences Research Institute Diabetes Center's Scientific Director Decio L. Eizirik, MD, Ph.D., has found that identifying new treatments for autoimmune diseases requires studying ...

Medical research

Treating autoimmune disorders with an inhaler rather than an IV

Nanoparticles continue to find wider use in medical treatments in everything from drug delivery to diagnosing disease. In nearly every case, these ultrafine particles are delivered to patients via injection or through an ...


Study explores sleep apnea, autoimmune disease link

New research by University of Georgia scientists sheds light on why people with obstructive sleep apnea may have associated autoimmune disorders. The results could lead to better approaches to treatment and possibly new drug ...


Healthy bacteria thrive in the gut before birth

Australian researchers have discovered the gut microbiome—a complex ecosystem of microorganisms made up of bacteria, viruses, fungi and other life forms—is selected and starts developing as early as five months in utero.

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