
Discovery provides insight into development of autoimmunity

Joslin researchers have uncovered the action of a gene that regulates the education of T cells, providing insight into how and why the immune system begins mistaking the body's own tissues for targets. The gene, Clec16a, ...

Medical research

Researchers identify novel factor involved in autophagy

Neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer's disease are typically characterized by protein deposits in the brain. These are comprised of defective, insoluble proteins which no longer fulfill their function and which cells ...

Medical research

Cell's recycling team helps sound alarm on pathogens

Just as households have garbage disposals and recycling bins for getting rid of everyday waste, the cell has its own system for cleaning up unnecessary or defunct components. This process, known as autophagy, is also an efficient ...

Oncology & Cancer

Protein induces self-destruction in cancer cells

The role of a phosphatase protein in promoting the self-destruction of healthy cells and the progression of ovarian cancer has been identified by A*STAR researchers. Known to be overexpressed in cancer cells, the protein, ...

Oncology & Cancer

How 'trained immunity' mediates BCG therapy of bladder cancer

Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) is a vaccine widely used in low and middle-income countries to protect against childhood tuberculosis. Besides its specific anti-tuberculosis effects, BCG can also function as a general immune-booster, ...

Medical research

Autophagy helps fast track stem cell activation

Researchers from Stanford University School of Medicine have discovered a link between a protective mechanism used by cells and the activation of muscle stem cells. Cells use autophagy to recycle cellular "building blocks" ...

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