Psychology & Psychiatry

Virtual avatars may impact real-world behavior

How you represent yourself in the virtual world of video games may affect how you behave toward others in the real world, according to new research published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Better apps might improve health, study finds

Ever wondered why after a while you got tired of using that weight loss or meditation app on your phone? For Max Birk, a University of Saskatchewan recent Ph.D. graduate, the answer could be that you need a customizable avatar ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Interactive avatar boosts performance of children with ADHD

A new study has shown that an interactive avatar, which gives both instructions and feedback on the attention of the learner, can improve the performance of ADHD children on a complex problem-solving task. Researchers concluded ...


Do chatbot avatars prompt bias in health care?

Chatbots are increasingly becoming a part of health care around the world, but do they encourage bias? That's what University of Colorado School of Medicine researchers are asking as they dig into patients' experiences with ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Using virtual reality to make experiments more realistic

Avatars are all around us: they represent real people online and colonise new worlds in the movies. In science, their role has been more limited. But avatars can be extremely useful in linguistics, new research shows. Scientists ...

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