
New study finds Biden, Trump both likely to be 'super-agers'

In a paper published in the Journal on Active Aging, University of Illinois Chicago longevity researcher S. Jay Olshansky and his colleagues conclude that both 2020 presidential candidates—former Vice President Joe Biden, ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

The fundamental mechanisms of facial recognition

When it comes to recognizing faces, humans are extraordinarily skillful. It's no surprise – after all, from the moment humans leave the womb, the infant brains already have a preference for faces, and over the course of ...


How quickly do we become unfit?

Getting in shape isn't easy. But after all that hard work, how long do we actually maintain it? Turns out that even the great effort we put into training, taking a bit of time off can mean that we become "unfit" much faster ...


Gene mapping for everyone? Study says not so fast

Gene scans for everyone? Not so fast. New research suggests that for the average person, decoding your own DNA may not turn out to be a really useful crystal ball for future health.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Should you be concerned about bird flu?

While humans continue to cope with COVID-19, the H5N1 bird flu has created its own pandemic, killing wild birds like geese and bald eagles in Illinois and driving poultry farmers to cull more than 37 million birds across ...

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