Psychology & Psychiatry

Want to be happier? Try getting to know yourself

The unexamined life is not worth living, wrote the Greek philosopher Socrates. He was reflecting on the expression "Know Thyself" – an aphorism inscribed on the temple of Apollo at Delphi and one of the ultimate achievements ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Stressed? Your relationship with your boss may be playing a role

Everybody knows how horrible it is to be stressed out at work. Sadly, across the world, employees are being subjected to increasing work demands and, as a result, work stress is on the rise. As we try to understand the root ...

Oncology & Cancer

Stop marginalising men with breast cancer

Breast cancer is the most common cancer in the UK and the leading cancer in women worldwide. Approximately 150 cases are diagnosed in the UK every day – that's one every 10 minutes. Breast cancer does not discriminate. ...

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