
Breaking detrimental oral habits in young kids

It's very common for babies and young children to have what dentists call "non-nutritive sucking" behaviors in which they regularly suck on a pacifier, thumb, finger(s) or other objects.


Vasectomies still rare but on the rise in France: Study

Fifteen times more French men are choosing sterilization to avoid getting their partner pregnant than a decade ago, a study said Monday, even if those undergoing the operation are still a tiny minority.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

How does the inability to burp affect daily life?

The inability to burp—called retrograde cricopharyngeus dysfunction (R-CPD)—is caused by failure of the throat's cricopharyngeal muscle to relax to allow the outward passage of gas. An interview-based study in Neurogastroenterology ...

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