Psychology & Psychiatry

Poor mental health in lockdown most common among young women

Young women are the most likely to have experienced high levels of depression, anxiety, and loneliness in lockdown, compared to older adults, according to new research from the UCL Center for Longitudinal Studies (CLS).


Eye-tracking tech helps aged care assessment

Memory loss among older Australians is on the rise as the Baby Boomer generation enters retirement—but a new technique tested by Flinders University researchers that investigates cognitive skills through eye-tracking technology ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

New US guidelines urge a hepatitis C check for most adults

Most American adults need to be checked for hepatitis C, say guidelines released Monday that urge millions more people to get screened for the liver-damaging virus that can fester for decades it's spotted.


Boomers have a drug problem, but not the kind you might think

Baby boomers – that's anyone born in the U.S. between 1946 and 1964—are 20% of the population, more than 70 million Americans. Decades ago, many in that generation experimented with drugs that were both recreational and ...


Patients seeking assisted dying confront a range of barriers

One in every five Americans now lives in a state with legal access to a medically assisted death. In theory, assisted dying laws allow patients with a terminal prognosis to hasten the end of their life, once their suffering ...


Health of poor Brits worse than that of those born a century ago

The self-reported health of poor Brits is worse than that of people born a century ago, suggests a large nationally representative study of more than 200,000 working-age people, published online in the Journal of Epidemiology ...

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