Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Baby boomers need hepatitis C test, CDC study confirms

(HealthDay)—Baby boomers—the generation known for sex, drugs and rock and roll—are the most likely Americans to develop hepatitis C, and too many of them aren't tested until it's too late to prevent liver damage, U.S. ...

Obstetrics & gynaecology

Infertility rate declines among US couples

(HealthDay)—Despite the rise in fertility treatments such as in vitro fertilization, infertility rates have actually decreased among U.S. women of childbearing age, a government report released Wednesday shows.


How well-designed cities keep us healthy

(Medical Xpress)—Ten years ago, the American Journal of Public Health published a special issue, "Built Environment and Health," that launched a new movement exploring how the physical design of our neighborhoods influences ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Study tracks depression in seniors, ethnic groups

(Medical Xpress)—Major depression is a serious public health problem among older adults in the United States, but tends to affect ethnic groups differently, finds new research led by a Michigan State University scholar.


The aging population and emergency departments

As the population gets older, and the baby boomers begin to enter their 60's and 70's, one might assume that the number of trips to the emergency department will also increase. This is contradicted by new research from Brigham ...

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Alzheimer's disease research gains momentum

Research conducted by Menzies Research Institute Tasmania, an institute of the University of Tasmania, is shedding new light on the biology of Alzheimer's disease, in particular a protein in the brain that is indirectly responsible ...


Centenarians a happy lot, survey says

(HealthDay)—Centenarians are more likely to be content with their lives than aging baby boomers are, and these oldest Americans tend to put more stock in healthy eating habits and exercise as keys to happiness, a new survey ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

US suicide rate rose sharply among middle-aged (Update)

The suicide rate among middle-aged Americans climbed a startling 28 percent in a decade, a period that included the recession and the mortgage crisis, the government reported Thursday.

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