
Babies can learn their first lullabies in the womb

An infant can recognize a lullaby heard in the womb for several months after birth, potentially supporting later speech development. This is indicated in a new study at the University of Helsinki.


Everyone 'is now polluted'

Virtually every human being on Earth can now be considered physiologically and biochemically polluted by human-made chemicals, a leading medical doctor will tell CleanUp 2013 in Melbourne today.

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Bolstering your brain against dementia

For years, the news about Alzheimer's and other dementia-related illness has been unrelentingly grim. We don't know many of the causes. We don't have a cure.


IQ link to baby's weight gain in first month

(Medical Xpress)—New research from the University of Adelaide shows that weight gain and increased head size in the first month of a baby's life is linked to a higher IQ at early school age.

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