
Food allergy linked to hyperactive immune system at birth

The Australian research team discovered a new pattern of immune activation at birth that was associated with an increased risk of babies developing food allergies in early life. The finding could lead to future treatments ...


BPA's real threat may be after it has metabolized

Bisphenol A or BPA is a synthetic chemical widely used in the making of plastic products ranging from bottles and food can linings to toys and water supply lines. When these plastics degrade, BPA is released into the environment ...


Children's healthy diets lead to healthier IQ: study

(Medical Xpress) -- Children fed healthy diets in early age may have a slightly higher IQ, while those on heavier junk food diets may have a slightly reduced IQ, according to new research from the University of Adelaide.


Study debunks concerns about baby feeding methods

What, and how, a baby is fed can weigh on a caregiver's mind. Thankfully, a University of Otago-led study has found two popular, but somewhat controversial, methods appear to have little significant impact on infants' appetite ...

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