
Toxic BPA turning up in children's soup cans: group

Worrying levels of BPA, an industrial chemical with suspected links to cancer, lurk inside canned soups and pasta targeted at American children, the Breast Cancer Fund said Wednesday.


Want to breastfeed? These five things will make it easier

More than 90 percent of Australian women start breastfeeding soon after the birth of their baby, but only 15 percent are exclusively breastfeeding at six months, despite national and international recommendations.


Why vegan diets for babies come with significant risks

There are now more than 1m vegetarians and 500,000 vegans in the UK – and numbers are thought to be growing. While these people, identified through research commissioned by the Vegan Society, are over 15 years of age, the ...


Children's healthy diets lead to healthier IQ: study

(Medical Xpress) -- Children fed healthy diets in early age may have a slightly higher IQ, while those on heavier junk food diets may have a slightly reduced IQ, according to new research from the University of Adelaide.


BPA's real threat may be after it has metabolized

Bisphenol A or BPA is a synthetic chemical widely used in the making of plastic products ranging from bottles and food can linings to toys and water supply lines. When these plastics degrade, BPA is released into the environment ...

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