Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Tuberculosis avoids and subverts host immunity

An ancient disease, tuberculosis (TB) continues to be one of the major causes of disability and death worldwide. The recent TB cases in Quebec among the Inuit community has underscored the need to find new avenues to eradicate ...

Medical research

Antibiotic resistance is a gut reaction

Scientists from the Institute of Food Research and the University of East Anglia have discovered how certain gut bacteria can protect themselves and others in the gut from antibiotics.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Drugs to block angiogenesis could provide new treatment for TB

The body responds to tuberculosis infection by locking the bacterial offenders into tiny clusters of immune cells called granulomas, which are a hallmark of the disease. This containment strategy succeeds at first, but eventually ...


Bacteria and immune cells forge a productive partnership

To prevent infection, the intestinal wall relies on the support of its own 'home-grown' army of commensal bacteria. These gut microbiota collaborate with and are in turn regulated by their host's immune system via a variety ...


Protecting us from our cells

Our immune system defends us from harmful bacteria and viruses, but, if left unchecked, the cells that destroy those invaders can turn on the body itself, causing auto-immune diseases like type-1 diabetes or multiple sclerosis. ...

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