
Gut bacteria: It can be good, and bad, for health

The human microbiome—the trillions of tiny bacteria that live in and on our bodies—is emerging as an increasingly important player in health and wellness. But, our co-existence with these organisms is complex, and scientists ...

Medical research

Toxin responsible for Legionella growth identified

A team of scientists led by EMBL group leader Sagar Bhogaraju and Ivan Dikic of Goethe University, Frankfurt, discovered that the toxin SidJ in Legionella bacteria enforces a unique modification on human proteins and helps ...

Medical research

Chlamydia's stealthy cloaking device identified

Chlamydia, the leading cause of sexually transmitted bacterial infections, evades detection and elimination inside human cells by use of a cloaking device. But Duke University researchers have grasped the hem of that invisibility ...


Tuberculosis bacteria build 'edible' havens in immune cells

Bacteria that cause tuberculosis trick immune cells meant to destroy them into hiding and feeding them instead. This is the result of a study led by researchers from NYU Langone Medical Center and published online April 18 ...


Immune cell 'survival' gene key to better myeloma treatments

Scientists have identified the gene essential for survival of antibody-producing cells, a finding that could lead to better treatments for diseases where these cells are out of control, such as myeloma and chronic immune ...

Medical research

Newly identified antibodies may improve pneumonia vaccine design

Researchers at Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University have discovered how a novel type of antibody works against pneumococcal bacteria. The findings, which could improve vaccines against pneumonia, appear ...

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