Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

How diarrhea pathogens switch into attack mode at body temperature

Many bacterial pathogens excrete toxins as soon as they have entered the host in order to suppress its immune response. Researchers at Ruhr-Universität Bochum (RUB) have analyzed what happens on the molecular level when ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Can you die from a common cold?

Most people know that the flu can kill. Indeed, the so-called Spanish flu killed 50 million people in 1918—more than were killed in the first world war. But what about the common cold? Can you really catch your death?

Medical research

Fighting bacterial infection with drug-eluting medical devices

Medical practitioners routinely outfit patients with devices ranging from cardiovascular stents, pacemakers, catheters, and therapeutic lenses to orthopedic, breast, dental, and cochlear implants and prostheses. These accessories ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Is it sore throat or strep throat?

A sore throat is a common symptom of an upper respiratory infection such as a cold or flu. It's also a symptom of a bacterial infection commonly referred to as strep throat. How can you tell if your child's sore throat is ...

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