Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

How neuronal cell death occurs in bacterial meningitis

Researchers from Karolinska Institutet, Karolinska University Hospital, and The Wenner-Gren Institute at Stockholm University have conducted research within the field of bacterial meningitis and found how bacteria interact ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Scientists develop new antibiotic for gonorrhoea

Scientists at the University of York have harnessed the therapeutic effects of carbon monoxide-releasing molecules to develop a new antibiotic which could be used to treat the sexually transmitted infection gonorrhoea.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Is it sore throat or strep throat?

A sore throat is a common symptom of an upper respiratory infection such as a cold or flu. It's also a symptom of a bacterial infection commonly referred to as strep throat. How can you tell if your child's sore throat is ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

America's dogs have their own flu battles

(HealthDay)—While a brutal flu season is felling humans by the score, veterinarians warn that there have also been outbreaks of canine flu in some parts of the United States.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Six dead in Philippine epidemic caused by rat urine

A bacterial epidemic caused by water contaminated with rat urine has hit a flood-ravaged region in the northern Philippines, killing six people and overwhelming local hospitals, a health official said Wednesday.

Medical research

Ketostasis: nature's sweet spot

For followers of popular science news—or of the latest diet craze—the term "intermittent fasting" is decidedly trending. Each new mention of the eating plan brings with it more revelations about the health benefits it ...

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