Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

US military planes arrive at epicenter of Ebola

Six U.S. military planes arrived in the Ebola hot zone Thursday with more Marines, as West Africa's leaders pleaded for the world's help in dealing with a crisis that one called "a tragedy unforeseen in modern times."


Self-care for caregivers

Caring for someone with dementia can be exhausting but many caregivers ignore their own needs in order to care for others—at the expense of their own health and welfare. 

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Israel returns to virus lockdown as cases mount

Israel went back into a full lockdown on Friday to try to contain a coronavirus outbreak that has steadily worsened for months as its government has been plagued by indecision and infighting.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Poorer countries face big risks in easing virus restrictions

As some wealthier Western nations begin easing coronavirus restrictions, many developing countries, particularly in the Middle East and Africa, want to do it too, but they cannot afford the luxury of any missteps.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

SKorea cuts key rate as MERS emerges as threat to recovery

South Korea's central bank lowered its key interest rate to a historic low on Thursday, responding to a slump in exports and the prospect that the outbreak of the deadly MERS virus could slow the economy.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Global virus cases top a million, deaths surpass 50,000

The number of confirmed coronavirus cases around the world has soared past one million and fatalities have topped 50,000 as the United States reported the highest daily death toll of any country so far.

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