
Don't let bedbugs ruin your vacation

(HealthDay)—Bedbug infestations are on the rise, but savvy travelers know how to stop the pests from spoiling holiday trips.


Bedbugs: Easy to attract, hard to eliminate

(HealthDay)—Death, taxes ... and bedbugs? Infestations of bedbugs are on the rise in the United States and elsewhere, and while people are "bedbug magnets," the tiny pests are hard to detect, an expert says.


Little evidence that insect bite remedies work

There is little evidence that over the counter remedies for simple insect bites actually work, and in most cases, no treatment at all will suffice, concludes an evidence review in the April Drug and Therapeutics Bulletin ...


How to check your home for bedbugs

Nothing can spoil a vacation's sweet afterglow more than discovering that some unwelcome hitchhikers have accompanied you home.


France to hold crisis meetings on bedbug 'scourge'

The French government said Tuesday it would host emergency meetings this week to examine surging numbers of reported bedbug cases, which are being increasingly seen as a major potential public health problem.


Bedbugs can infest your office, too

(HealthDay) -- Add bedbugs to your list of potential occupational health hazards. A new report reveals nearly half of the employees of a U.S. government office in Tennessee were bitten by the blood-thirsty invaders while ...

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