
US men prefer beer, women love wine

US men like to drink beer, though wine is the beverage of choice for women and older adults, a poll showed Friday.


Where does my beer come from?

Researchers at the University of Seville (Spain) have developed a technique based on chemical patterns for identifying the country of origin of beer. The content of iron, potassium, phosphates and polyphenols is found to ...


Moderate drinking and cardiovascular health: here comes the beer

Beer could stand up alongside wine regarding positive effects on cardiovascular health. This is the conclusion of a study conducted by Research Laboratories at the Fondazione di Ricerca e Cura "Giovanni Paolo II", in Campobasso, ...


Germany's booze-free beer boom

All the fun of the Oktoberfest, without the hangover: Germans are swapping traditional beer for non-alcoholic brews, driven by health concerns and the increasing quality of booze-free options.


Healthy Men: Men and belly fat: A bad combination

Call it what you will: beer belly, love handles, gut, spare tire, or anything else. Whatever the words, they're all referring to the same thing: belly fat, which is one of the most common types of fat for men. As you've no ...

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