
Deep faith beneficial to health

People who believe their God or gods are real, even if the existence of those supernatural beings can't be empirically proven, have long fascinated and confounded scientists. In a new book, Stanford anthropologist Tanya Luhrmann ...


Sleepio might be just what the professor ordered

Did you know that man is the only animal that purposely delays sleep? Or that sleep disturbance increases at higher altitudes, as well as in times of increased stress? Due to the coronavirus pandemic, everyone seems to be ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Predicting therapeutic response in depressed teen girls

The risk of developing major depressive disorder (MDD) surges during adolescence–particularly for girls. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) can be an effective treatment, but only about half of girls diagnosed with depression ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Who could benefit from exercise and behavioral treatment?

Aerobic exercise clearly benefits young adults with major depression, and a Rutgers-led study suggests it may be possible to predict those who would benefit from behavioral therapy with exercise.

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