Psychology & Psychiatry

Brain connections in schizophrenia

Executive cognitive functions—abilities that include working memory and underlie mental control and self-regulation—are impaired in schizophrenia. Current pharmacological and behavioral interventions have only modest ...

Medical research

Researchers identify protein necessary for behavioral flexibility

Researchers have identified a protein necessary to maintain behavioral flexibility, which allows us to modify our behaviors to adjust to circumstances that are similar, but not identical, to previous experiences. Their findings, ...


Why you can't teach an old mouse new tricks

The ability to adapt to changes in the environment is key to survival, but this type of behavioral flexibility is often impaired in older individuals. A study in mice published April 20, 2016 in Neuron shows that the age-related ...

Medical research

Neuroscientists find promise in addressing Fragile X afflictions

Neuroscientists at New York University have devised a method that has reduced several afflictions associated with Fragile X syndrome (FXS) in laboratory mice. Their findings, which are reported in the journal Neuron, offer ...

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