
Flexibility can support healthy eating behaviors among women

A recent study at the Hebrew University aimed to improve attitudes toward food in women with restrained eating habits who monitor their diet by training them to respond more flexibly to food cues. The results indicated that ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Examining the pitfalls of computer-based psychotherapy

The demand for therapy places for people suffering with mental health problems is currently sky high. Depression and anxiety disorders in particular are driving more and more people in Switzerland to seek psychotherapy, and ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

What is a panic attack?

A panic attack is an episode of intense fear with an abrupt onset, lasting from several minutes to up to an hour. It has many mental and physical symptoms such as chest pain, shortness of breath, nausea, dizziness, chest ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Researchers develop blood test for anxiety

Researchers from Indiana University School of Medicine have successfully developed a blood test for anxiety. The test examines biomarkers that can help them objectively determine someone's risk for developing anxiety, the ...

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