Psychology & Psychiatry

Monitoring the development of foster children

Foster children's behaviour is more problematic than that of their peers in 'normal' family situations. However, it is difficult to determine the exact cause of behavioural problems. Anouk Goemans, a researcher in clinical ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

UK military personnel at increased risk of violent offending

Most strikingly, the study found that the proportion of young servicemen (under 30 years old) with a conviction for violent offending was much higher than among men of a similar age in the general population (20.6% vs 6.7%).


Link between toddler sleep patterns and behaviour at 5

Toddlers who sleep less than 10 hours a night or wake frequently are more likely to have emotional and behavioural problems at the age of five, according to a study from the Norwegian Institute of Public Health.

Sleep disorders

How can I get some sleep? Which treatments actually work?

Do you have difficulty falling asleep? Do you stay awake for a long time at night? Do these sleep problems make you feel fatigued, strung-out, or exhausted during the day? Has this been happening for months?

Psychology & Psychiatry

Pre-pregnancy risk drinking predicts toddler behaviour problems

(Medical Xpress)—Risk drinking before pregnancy can increase the risk of the development behavioural problems in toddlers. This comes from a new study using data from the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study (MoBa). ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

World first project to help children with special needs

In a world first, Monash University researchers will lead a new project that will provide a public health approach, evidence based, parenting support to parents of children with a disability.

Psychology & Psychiatry

COVID-19 caution fatigue: Why it happens, and 3 ways to prevent it

Many Canadians have wrestled with mental health issues during the COVID-19 outbreak. Research by Mental Health Research Canada found that the percentage of people experiencing high to extremely high anxiety quadrupled from ...

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