Psychology & Psychiatry

Smacking young children has long-lasting effects

Children who have adverse experiences such as being smacked at the age of three are more likely to suffer from poor mental health and have behavioral problems through to age 14, according to a study led by UCL researchers.

Psychology & Psychiatry

COVID-19 caution fatigue: Why it happens, and 3 ways to prevent it

Many Canadians have wrestled with mental health issues during the COVID-19 outbreak. Research by Mental Health Research Canada found that the percentage of people experiencing high to extremely high anxiety quadrupled from ...


Concussion recovery not clear cut for children

Sleep problems, fatigue and attention difficulties in the weeks after a child's concussion injury could be a sign of reduced brain function and decreased grey matter.


Disturbed childhood can lead to adult insomnia

Parents should help their children with better sleep patterns, along with any problem behavioural issues, because this can lead to severe insomnia in middle age, a groundbreaking new study shows.

Psychology & Psychiatry

A potential cure for sleeplessness

New research from Queen's University's Judith Davidson (Psychology) has shown insomnia can be treated effectively at the family doctor's office without the use of drugs.

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