
How memories form and fade

Why is it that you can remember the name of your childhood best friend that you haven't seen in years yet easily forget the name of a person you just met a moment ago? In other words, why are some memories stable over decades, ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

How much sex is right for you and your partner?

(HealthDay)—Are you having enough sex? It's a loaded question. "Enough," like "a lot," means different things to different people—it could mean every night, twice a week or twice a month.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Why you should date your best friend

Being someone's BFF is a big deal – you don't hand over the other half of your "Best Friends" necklace to just anyone. Having a romantic partner who is also your best friend potentially sounds perfect. With your BFF as ...

Medical research

Scientists uncover new pathway for research in brain diseases

The purpose of certain proteins in the brain, known as ion channels, is to regulate how nerve cells fire, or send information. But a Yale-led research team has uncovered a previously unknown function for a particular channel ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Best friends may help poor kids succeed

(HealthDay)—Children who grow up in poor neighborhoods face more obstacles in life, but new research suggests that having a best friend can help these kids succeed.

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