
Riding into research about cycle rage

Following a highly publicised 2012 incident on a mountain bike track in Canterbury's Port Hills, a Victoria University of Wellington academic has begun conducting research into cycle rage.


Exercise bike pedals hope for people with MS

Researchers from the University of Sydney have designed an innovative exercise system that allows people with multiple sclerosis to workout their paralysed leg muscles in the hope of improving symptoms and slowing the disease ...


Motorized cycling may prime brain for relearning after stroke

Exercise on a motorized stationary bike appeared to give stroke patients an advantage in relearning everyday tasks and improved motor function of their arms, according to research presented at the American Stroke Association's ...


Research shows protective effects of exercise

Depending on your age, just one exercise session may improve the body's ability to overcome stressors by potentially boosting the antioxidant system. These results are part of Tinna Traustadóttir's study published this month ...

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