Medical research

Researchers getting closer to growing a human heart

(Medical Xpress)—Researchers in Spain, led by doctor Francisco Fernandez-Aviles, are blazing a trail in bioengineering that could result, the Wall Street Journal reports, in human hearts, or parts of them, being grown in ...

Medical research

Researchers show how blood vessels regroup after stroke

Rice scientists simulate "robot" cells to study the development of microvascular systems in the brain. The goal is to find a way to direct the development of vessels that feed oxygen-starved cells in stroke and neurodegenerative ...

Oncology & Cancer

Test developed to detect early-stage diseases with naked eye

Scientists have developed a prototype ultra-sensitive sensor that would enable doctors to detect the early stages of diseases and viruses with the naked eye, according to research published today in the journal Nature Nanotechnology.

Medical research

Engineers put the squeeze on cells to diagnose disease

(Medical Xpress) -- If you throw a rubber balloon filled with water against a wall, it will spread out and deform on impact, while the same balloon filled with honey, which is more viscous, will deform much less. If the balloon's ...

Oncology & Cancer

Researchers make living model of brain tumor

Brown University scientists have created the first three-dimensional living tissue model, complete with surrounding blood vessels, to analyze the effectiveness of therapeutics to combat brain tumors. The 3-D model gives medical ...

Medical research

Scientists make strides toward fixing infant hearts

Researchers at Rice University and Texas Children's Hospital have turned stem cells from amniotic fluid into cells that form blood vessels. Their success offers hope that such stem cells may be used to grow tissue patches ...

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