
Panel debates bioterrorism protection for children

(AP) -- The Obama administration is asking a presidential commission to help decide an ethical quandary: Should the anthrax vaccine and other treatments being stockpiled in case of a bioterror attack be tested in children?


FDA may probe TX firm that held Perry's stem cells

(AP) -- The Food and Drug Administration has received a complaint against a company that stored adult stem cells from Texas Governor Rick Perry for use in an experimental procedure to treat his back pain.


Doctoral student develops ethical guidelines for GPs

Malcolm Oswald, a doctoral student in Bioethics and Medical Jurisprudence in the School of Law, is a co-author of the new guide, entitled, Making Difficult Choices - Ethical Commissioning Guidance to General Practitioners. ...


Informed-consent forms should be shortened, simplified

An in-depth review of consent forms provided to volunteers for HIV/AIDS research in the United States and abroad about study procedures, risks and benefits has found that the forms were extremely long and used wording that ...


Public prefers limited informed consent process for biobanks

Biobanks are repositories for tissue samples, usually in the form of blood or saliva or leftover tissue from surgical procedures. These samples are collected and used for future research, including genetic research. They ...

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